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Sunday 13 May 2012


Every Friday you can play chess and some Mondays too.

I like Chess because it is one of the oldest games in the world. 

You can learn some special moves like castling.

from L.A.

Mothers Day

Yesterday it was Mothers Day.  I gave her a card out of Lara's barbie cardboard box - it was a field with flowers, and I gave her a bookmark with the same picture.  I like Mother's Day!!

from C.I

Sunday 6 May 2012

Parent teacher conference

Last week me and my dad went to parent teacher conference.  I liked showing my writing about my swimming.

from E.T.

School conference

Last week we had parent  teacher  conferences.   My mum  and  dad  came  and  I  was a  little  bit  shy.

from FF