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Sunday 16 December 2012



You need:
  • paper
  • scissors
  • stapler
  • sellotape
  1. Make a fan with the paper.
  2. Fold in half and unfold.
  3. Then staple the middle.
  4. Cut shapes on  the fan
  5. Unfold fan in to a circle.
  6. Sellotape ends together.

from JB and LOB

Creative Christmas Trees

  • paper
  • scissors
  • sequins
  • glue
  • glitter glue
  1. Fold your paper in half diagonally.
  2. Cut off the leftover rectangle.
  3. Cut some triangles along the fold.
  4. Unfold the Christmas tree.
  5. Glue some sequins and glitter glue to decorate it.
  6. Let it dry.

from GC and IM

Wednesday 12 December 2012


One day room 6 made wind chimes. 

It was awesome!!!

  • a old DVD or CD
  • fish wire
  • drill
  • green string
  • materials like shells or forks or beer openers or bamboo sticks.  Things that will clink together and make a beautiful sound. 
To make it:
  1. Drill holes in the DVD or CD.
  2. Use the green string to hang the DVD or CD up.
  3. Hang the materials off the DVD or CD by using the fish wire.
Listen to your wind chime on a windy day.

Hope you enjoy it!

from MV and TK

Colourful Christmas Trees

Today we made colourful Christmas trees with Ms Rhodes.

First we got a blue piece of paper to use as our background.

We cut out strips of different coloured paper.  Each strip was smaller and smaller.  We stuck the strips on the blue piece of paper.

When we finished it looked like a Christmas tree!


It was fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Christmas Trees

On Wednesday 12th December we started making paper Christmas trees.

We cut out two identical Christmas tree shapes.  Then we coloured them in with pastels and coloured pencils.  Then we went onto the mat and decorated them with glue, glitter and glitter glue.  Next we will cut down the middle of one tree shape and up the middle of the other tree shape, and stick them together.

They will make a 3D Christmas tree!

We have had fun making them!

We are going to hang them on our Christmas tree!

from SF

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Boaty Motey

Last Friday afternoon the class went to the dirty pool to sail our class's awesome boats.  This was part of our wind project.  Our project was to make a boat that would float, stay on the surface, and move fast.

My boat sunk so did my even better boat!  So Thor's cool boat sunk and Jonty's awesome boat sunk too!  

Bella's boat was really good because it moved and it floated.  In high winds it would fall and kill itself.

Max's boat nearly sunk but did not.

from JB AND TB

Wednesday 28 November 2012

How To Make A Wind Vane

You need:
  • a ball of clay a little bit bigger than a ping-pong ball.
  • 2 paper plates
  • a pencil with a rubber on top
  • 1 pin
  • a straw
  • a triangle shaped piece of card
  • a 5 sided shape (like a rectangle with 2 small triangles cut off the end).
  • glue
  • black pen
  • coloured pens
  • sellotape
  • ruler

What To Do:
  1.  Sellotape the two pieces of card to either end of a straw.
  2. Measure the straw and mark the halfway point.
  3. Stick the pin through the straw into the rubber at the end of the pencil.  (Watch out!  Don't push the pin too hard!)
  4. Sharpen your pencil.
  5. Stick the pencil through the middle of one plate, and into the ball of clay.
  6. Stick the clay onto the other plate.
  7. Glue the sides of paper plates together.
  8. Decorate the plates.
  9. Mark in N, S, E and W around your plate.
  10. Take it outside into the wind, and see what happens!

We found different things happened with different wind vanes.

We hope your vane works well and shows the wind well!

from SM and HD

Sunday 11 November 2012

Wind Turbine

Last week Room 5 & 6 went to the Brooklyn Wind Turbine for our wind topic.

We used our anemometers to measure the wind speed.

At the school, the wind measured 16-30 degrees Celcius, and at the Wind turbine most of us got about 50-80 degrees Celcius.


My pinwheel broke off and I chased it yelling "Come back!"  Ruby laughed!

from LM and DS

Sunday 13 May 2012


Every Friday you can play chess and some Mondays too.

I like Chess because it is one of the oldest games in the world. 

You can learn some special moves like castling.

from L.A.

Mothers Day

Yesterday it was Mothers Day.  I gave her a card out of Lara's barbie cardboard box - it was a field with flowers, and I gave her a bookmark with the same picture.  I like Mother's Day!!

from C.I

Sunday 6 May 2012

Parent teacher conference

Last week me and my dad went to parent teacher conference.  I liked showing my writing about my swimming.

from E.T.

School conference

Last week we had parent  teacher  conferences.   My mum  and  dad  came  and  I  was a  little  bit  shy.

from FF

Sunday 29 April 2012

How to make anzac biscuits

On Friday we made Anzac biscuits and I loved making them. We put coconut in and sugar in too. There was also butter/margerine in there.  

Here's the recipe we used:

  • Melt 115g butter and 1.5 tablespoons of golden syrup.
  • Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in 2 tablespoons of boiling water.
  • Mix in:  1 cup of rolled oats, 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of coconut, 1/2 cup of sugar.
  • Drop tablespoons of the mixture onto baking paper, and bake until a pale golden colour (about 15 minutes) at 180 C.
from jonathan


We studied ANZAC day for one week.
I learnt that Keira's Great Grandfather fought in the first World War.   
Some soldiers died in Flanders Field.  They fought in Gallipoli.  Gallipoli is in Turkey.
People made Anzac biscuits to give to the soldiers.
from emma

Sunday 22 April 2012

room 6

To Kilbirnie School,

I hope you've had a great holiday and a great Easter!

from mp
Hi room 6 I hope you had a wonderful Easter!  From RC

Welcome back for Term 2!

Hi everybody!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday!  cheers Jacqui